Wealthgate Trust Company

Wealthgate Trust (WGT) is a client-founded multi-family Nevada trust company that exclusively partners with UHNW families and their advisory team to create, implement, and administer bespoke trust strategies. After running his own PTC for 15 years, our Founder – a practicing T&E attorney and entrepreneur - launched Wealthgate as the Trust Company he was in search of as a client, designed to partner with families of similar multi-generational wealth needs and situations that desire a tailored, white-glove experience. WGT is based in Nevada – the most progressive trust jurisdiction in the United States. Our team of seasoned planning attorneys always has an eye for tax strategy optimization, leveraging Nevada’s situs for its unparalleled level of asset protection (no exception creditors), superior decanting flexibility, no state income tax, and a history of fortified rulings where the judiciary system has consistently upheld situs law when challenged. Unlike traditional experiences with trust companies, Wealthgate is innovative and flexible. We leverage our creative mindset to safely and efficiently administer nuanced plans that were structured to put our clients in the optimal position. We work with a limited number of clients to ensure relationship development with both the family and their advisory team to understand wealth legacy, asset composition, family dynamics, as well as the overall family philosophy. Wealthgate is proud to offer to our families our new Parallel Private Trust Company (PPTC) model. Designed by an UHNW Family for UHNW Families, the PPTC provides clients the freedom to focus on what they decide matters most, while safeguarding assets and securing success through professional trust administration and oversight. The PPTC enhances benefits while eliminating costs and burdens of traditional PTC ownership. Through our fully bespoke solution, Wealthgate delivers flexibility and control to the family while partnering with current and future generations in operating a PTC, as well as implementing a Next-Generation Family Education Program. The PPTC ensures stability, staffing, and succession – the power of an institutional platform with the flexibility and service of ownership.


Amanda Fish
Chief of Staff


11920 Southern Highlands Parkway, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89141
United States

Other Office Locations

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