Aquila Aviation Ventures - Mente Group and Four Corners Aviation

"With layoffs and recession fears being top of mind for so many organizations, how does your program offer a solution to people's concerns?” Travel is an ongoing need for most organizations, especially in the fear of any recession glooming. Now more than ever, it can prove vital to be in front of clients. Our ‘Freedom Program’ to corporates that currently own their own aircraft or fleet, is the answer. We purchase the aircraft outright from the organization at Fair Market Value and provide the same aircraft, and crew, back to the client as a service cost per month, and with guaranteed availability. This allows the corporation to reinvest their capital back into the company. Four Corners Aviation continue to employ all crew members and Flight Ops Teams associated with the aircraft/fleet. Additionally, this removes the asset cost from the Balance Sheet (optics); it is purely a monthly service cost to fly, that will appear only on the organization’s P&L.


Vincent Kavanagh
Executive Vice President, Head of Sales


3201 Dallas Parkway, Suite 777
Frisco, TX 75034
United States

Other Office Locations

Fort Lauderdale, FL

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